Earn more with NEW Smart Rewards Savings

Smart Rewards Savings Account from Harvard FCU

Give your savings a major boost without tying up your money longer term!

With a Smart Rewards Savings account from Harvard FCU, members can earn 4.00% APY on balances up to $25,000. 1

Any member with a Smart Rewards Checking Account is eligible to open a new Smart Rewards Savings. When the monthly qualifications in the checking are met, you will automatically earn the premium interest on the savings as well.

Additional Benefits:

  • It’s free! There’s no minimum balance and no monthly maintenance fees.
  • It’s easy! There’s even a “Saver Sweep” where Checking Account rewards automatically to the savings account to help your money grow!2.
  • It’s flexible! Unlike a CD, money in your Smart Rewards savings is completely liquid, and can be accessed any time.
  • It’s guaranteed! As always, every dollar on deposit at Harvard FCU is fully insured without limit. As with most institutions, the first $250,000 is federally insured, however, Harvard FCU also purchases excess deposit insurance from the MSIC that covers all deposits over $250,000. 

To learn more about our Smart Rewards Checking and Smart Rewards Savings products, visit huecu2020.insegment.com/smart-rewards.

1. Daily balances up to and including $25,000 in your Smart Rewards Savings account earn a dividend rate of 3.93% resulting in an APY of 4.00% and daily balances over $25,000 earn a dividend rate of .10% on the portion of the daily balance over $25,000, resulting in a range from 4.00% to .88 APY depending on the daily balance in the Smart Rewards Savings account. When your Smart Rewards Checking account qualifications are not met, the entire daily balance in the account earns a dividend rate of .05% resulting in an annual percentage yield of .05% APY. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of 04/01/2023.

2. At the end of each cycle, rewards received from the attached checking account automatically sweep into the Savings Account.

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