Harvard FCU’s current Savings & Checking rates as of October 1, 2024

Product Minimum to Open Dividend Rate APY* Minimum to Earn APY
Share Savings $5.00 0.10 % 0.10 % $10.00
Smart Rewards Savings $0.00 <$25,000 = 3.93%**
Over $25,000 = 0.10%**
Money Market $1,500.00 Over $250k = 0.65 %
$100k – < $250k = 0.55 %
$50k – < $100k = 0.45 %
$25k – < $50k = 0.25 %
$5k – < $25k = 0.25 %
$1,500 – < $5k = 0.15 %
< $1,500 = 0.10 %
0.65 %
0.55 %
0.45 %
0.25 %
0.25 %
0.15 %
0.10 %
IRA Money Market n/a Over $250k = 0.65 %
$100k – < $250k = 0.55 %
$50k – < $100k = 0.45 %
$25k – < $50k = 0.25 %
$5k – < $25k = 0.25 %
$1,500 – < $5k = 0.15 %
< $1,500 = 0.10 %
0.65 %
0.55 %
0.45 %
0.25 %
0.25 %
0.15 %
0.10 %

* Annual Percentage Yield. Rates on the above accounts may change after an account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings.

**When Smart Rewards Checking account qualifications are met. When your Smart Rewards Checking account qualifications are not met, the entire daily balance in the account earns a dividend rate of .05% resulting in an annual percentage yield of .05% APY. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of 04/01/2023.

Club Savings Rates (Fixed Term)

Product Minimum Opening Balance Dividend Rate APY*
Holiday Club
From 11/1 to 10/31
$1.00 0.10 % 0.10 %
Vacation Club
From 5/1 to 4/30
$1.00 0.10 % 0.10 %

* Annual Percentage Yield. Rates on the above accounts may change after an account is opened. Minimum daily balance of $10.00 must be maintained to earn posted APY.

Term Share Certificates Rates

The Crimson Elite bonus adds an additional 0.10% to the dividend rate and APY.

Product Minimum Opening Balance Dividend Rate APY*
3 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 1.49 % 1.50 %
12 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 1.99 % 2.00 %
18 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 2.23 % 2.25 %
24 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 2.33 % 2.35 %
36 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 2.48 % 2.50 %
60 Month Regular Certificate $1,000.00 2.72 % 2.75 %

* Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalties will be imposed, which will reduce earnings. The APY assumes principal and interest remain on deposit until maturity. Minimum daily balance of $1,000 must be maintained to earn posted APY on all certificates.

Product Minimum Opening Balance Dividend Rate APY*
6 Month CD Special1 $1,000.00 4.32 % 4.40 %
9 Month CD Special1 $1,000.00 4.46 % 4.55 %
11 Month CD Special2 $1,000.00 4.51 % 4.60 %
15 Month CD Special2 $1,000.00 4.51 % 4.60 %

1. Annual Percentage Yield. The APY is accurate as of 9/19/24 dividend declaration date. $1000.00 minimum deposit required to open an Harvard FCU certificate. You must be an Harvard FCU member to receive the advertised APY. Rates may be subject to change. If you do not make a selection of a new certificate prior to the expiration of your certificate promo term, you will be automatically rolled into a certificate of the same term length. If any portion of the principal balance is withdrawn early, a penalty will be imposed based on the certificate term. For terms of 12 months or less, the penalty is up to 3 months of interest earned. For terms over 12 months, the penalty is up to 6 months of interest earned.

2. Annual Percentage Yield. The APY is accurate as of 9/19/24 dividend declaration date. $1000.00 minimum deposit required to open an Harvard FCU certificate. You must be an Harvard FCU member to receive the advertised APY. Rates subject to change. Limited-time offer. If you do not make a selection of a new certificate prior to the expiration of your 11-month or 15-month certificate promo term, you will be automatically rolled into a certificate of the next highest term length. If any portion of the principal balance is withdrawn early, a penalty will be imposed based on the certificate term. For terms of 12 months or less, the penalty is up to 3 months of interest earned. For terms over 12 months, the penalty is up to 6 months of interest earned.

Product Minimum Opening Balance Dividend Rate APY*
6 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 1.64 % 1.65 %
12 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 1.99 % 2.00 %
18 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 2.23 % 2.25 %
24 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 2.33 % 2.35 %
36 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 2.48 % 2.50 %
60 Month IRA/ROTH $1,000.00 2.72 % 2.75 %

1. If you do not make a selection of a new certificate prior to the expiration of your 11-month or 15-month certificate promo term, you will be automatically rolled into a certificate of the next highest term length. If any portion of the principle balance is withdrawn early, a penalty will be imposed based on the certificate term. For terms of 12 months or less, the penalty is up to 3 months of interest earned. For terms over 12 months, the penalty is up to 6 months of interest earned.

Checking Rates

Product Minimum to Open Dividend Rate APY* Minimum to Earn APY
Basic Checking $5.00 n/a n/a n/a
College Life $5.00 n/a n/a n/a
Varsity Life $5.00  n/a n/a n/a
Crimson Essentials Checking $5.00 n/a n/a n/a
Crimson Advantage Checking $5.00 n/a n/a n/a
Crimson Elite Checking $5.00 0.05 % 0.05 % $1,500.00
Smart Rewards Premium Interest1 $5.00 2.96 % 3.00 % n/a
Smart Rewards Cash Back $5.00 n/a n/a n/a


* Annual Percentage Yield. Rates on the above accounts may change after an account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings.

1. Smart Rewards Checking with Premium Interest Rewards: When your Smart Rewards Checking with Premium Interest account qualifications are met during a Monthly Qualification Cycle, daily balances up to and including $10,000 in the account earn an APY of 3.00 % and daily balances over $10,000 earn a dividend rate of .10% on the portion of the daily balance over $10,000, resulting in a range from 3.00 % to 0.36% APY depending on the account’s daily balance. When your Smart Rewards Checking with Premium Interest account qualifications are not met, the entire daily balance in the account earns a dividend rate of .05% resulting in an annual percentage yield of .05% APY, and ATM withdrawal fees are not refunded. Dividends and ATM withdrawal fee reimbursements will be credited to your Smart Rewards Checking with Premium Interest account on the last day of the current statement cycle. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of 03/01/2023.

All rates are subject to change without notice.